Below, you’ll find 30+ tips for learning. Use the filter below to view different types of tips.
Use the Cornell method
Use the Cornell method
This is how you work well together
This is how you work well together
Set yourself a clear goal
Set yourself a clear goal
Drink enough water
Drink enough water
Chew gum
Chew gum
Make schemas of your learning material
Make schemas of your learning material
Read text aloud
Read text aloud
Don't just highlight text
Don't just highlight text
How to write a summary
How to write a summary
Actively engage with learning material
Actively engage with learning material
Read from printed paper
Read from printed paper
Listen to calm, familiar music while studying
Listen to calm, familiar music while studying
Ensure a good place to learn
Ensure a good place to learn
You quickly forget new information
You quickly forget new information
Writing often works better than typing
Writing often works better than typing
You cannot multitask
You cannot multitask
Explain it to someone else
Explain it to someone else
Make a clear schedule
Make a clear schedule
Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly
Eat healthy and varied
Eat healthy and varied
Put your phone far away
Put your phone far away
Get enough sleep
Get enough sleep
Take a break after 25 minutes
Take a break after 25 minutes
Use memory aids (mnemonics)
Use memory aids (mnemonics)
Regularly answer questions about the learning material.
Regularly answer questions about the learning material.
Do not keep reading the same text
Do not keep reading the same text