Below, you’ll find 80+ tips to help with learning. Use the filter below to view different types of tips.
Connect to the daily life of students
Connect to the daily life of students
Let students learn from mistakes
Let students learn from mistakes
Present learning material step by step
Present learning material step by step
Teach students to learn actively
Teach students to learn actively
Ask questions regularly
Ask questions regularly
Don't just let students highlight text
Don't just let students highlight text
Do not let students just reread
Do not let students just reread
Present information verbally and visually
Present information verbally and visually
Ensure a good learning environment
Ensure a good learning environment
Teach students to create schemas
Teach students to create schemas
Students cannot multitask
Students cannot multitask
Help with planning and execution
Help with planning and execution
Be critical of phone use
Be critical of phone use
Learn to take notes with the Cornell method
Learn to take notes with the Cornell method
Work on concrete, achievable goals
Work on concrete, achievable goals
Writing often works better than typing
Writing often works better than typing
Help with memory aids
Help with memory aids
Ensure a quiet study space
Ensure a quiet study space
Encourage students to read text aloud
Encourage students to read text aloud
Advise students to get enough sleep
Advise students to get enough sleep
Healthy and sufficient nutrition is important
Healthy and sufficient nutrition is important
Let students explain it to each other
Let students explain it to each other
Combine learning with movement
Combine learning with movement
This is how you make groups work together successfully
This is how you make groups work together successfully
Only listen to familiar music while studying
Only listen to familiar music while studying
Make students read from paper
Make students read from paper
Help with translating to another context
Help with translating to another context
Peer feedback is usefull, and very complex
Peer feedback is usefull, and very complex
Differentiate between beginners and experts
Differentiate between beginners and experts
Engage in scaffolding
Engage in scaffolding
Show worked-out examples
Show worked-out examples
This is how you reward effectively
This is how you reward effectively
Take basic needs into account
Take basic needs into account
Engage in modelling
Engage in modelling
Give direct instruction to beginners
Give direct instruction to beginners
This is how you give effective feedback
This is how you give effective feedback
Tell stories
Tell stories
Have high expectations
Have high expectations
Activate and check prior knowledge
Activate and check prior knowledge
Provide clear structure
Provide clear structure
Ensure active learning
Ensure active learning
Make students curious
Make students curious
How to use instructional videos effectively
How to use instructional videos effectively
Communicate expectations
Communicate expectations
Work on feedback literacy
Work on feedback literacy