There is no evidence for the fact that the left brain hemisphere is analytical and the right brain hemisphere is creative. The myth originates from the 1800s. Doctors discovered that if one hemisphere of the brain was injured, certain functions disappeared. We now know through scans that brain hemispheres 'control' each other. But why is the left side rational and the right side creative? In the 20th century, various books were published containing hypotheses about how the brain works. Since brain research revealed that people often use their left hemisphere for language, for example – but even then, the other hemisphere is still needed. Further research by Nielsen (2013) and others shows that there are indeed certain areas in the brain that are stronger in specific tasks, but you certainly cannot speak of 'left and right areas'. For that, the connections in the brain are simply too intricately wired. Recently, more extensive research has been conducted, showing that both hemispheres of the brain are needed for creativity (Sign, H., & O’Boyle, M. W. 2004). To think creatively, a good connection between both hemispheres is necessary, but there is no reason to refer to forms of thinking that emphasize the left or right hemisphere.
De Bruyckere, P., Kirschner, P. & Hulshof, C. (2019). Juffen zijn toffer dan meesters. Nog meer mythes over leren en onderwijs. Amsterdam, Nederland: Lannoo Campus | Anderz.