Students individually answer a number of questions to bring out existing (prior) knowledge. In this way, students are less likely to forget it next time (repetition) and both the students and the teacher gain insight into the (starting) level. You can then adjust your lesson accordingly as a teacher.
• Develop a number of (online) questions/statements about the topic to be covered. • Have students answer the questions individually. • Discuss the answers per question and ask a few students specifically for clarification. • Explain which answer is the correct one. • Then have students write down learning points for themselves: what do I still need to learn?
• You can also do this in groups ('pub quiz') • You can also have students (group) check each other's answers
• Quiz questions matching the theme/topics of the subject matter. • students and the teacher need a device (for digital questions) Useful tools are: • Socrative • Mentimeter • Kahoot