In this activity, students explain parts of the theory to each other. In this way, students need to recall and process knowledge so that the other understands it. An advantage is that the teacher immediately sees what the students already know and where additional explanation is needed. You can use the activity after the theory has been covered or at the start of the lesson to discuss the subject matter studied at home.
• Create pairs or groups of 3-4 students. • Have students explain certain terms, concepts, or a topic to each other. • Optionally, have them work this out on paper or a flip chart. • Then have each subgroup present the theory to the whole group in the form of a short pitch. • Provide students with feedback based on the pitches: indicate what went well, where a student ultimately needs to end up, and how he/she can take further steps to get there.
• You can also randomly distribute the concepts, topics, or subjects among the groups • You can also use this working form to explain new information (e.g., through articles) to each other • You can also use this working form to teach each other how to give good feedback
• Timer • Flip chart or sheets