An illuminating dive into the latest science on our brain's remarkable learning abilities and the potential of the machines we program to imitate them
The human brain is an extraordinary learning machine. Its ability to reprogram itself is unparalleled, and it remains the best source of inspiration for recent developments in artificial intelligence. But how do we learn? What innate biological foundations underlie our ability to acquire new information, and what principles modulate their efficiency?
In How We Learn, Stanislas Dehaene finds the boundary of computer science, neurobiology, and cognitive psychology to explain how learning really works and how to make the best use of the brain’s learning algorithms in our schools and universities, as well as in everyday life and at any age.

In Piek beschrijven Anders Ericsson en Robert Pool voor het eerst hoe dit proces werkt. Piek is een belangrijk boek dat vastgeroeste ideeën over het menselijk potentieel onderuit haalt en je de middelen geeft om de beste te worden, wat je ambities ook zijn.
Meer dan dertig jaar geleden rekende Anders Ericsson al af met het idee van een aangeboren talent. Hij liet met enkele belangrijke onderzoeken zien hoe rekbaar ons lichaam en onze hersenen zijn als ze op specifieke manieren worden getraind. In de jaren daarna liet zijn onderzoek naar mensen die op uiteenlopende gebieden topprestaties leveren zien dat excelleren ontstaat door oefening en niet door iets wat aangeboren is, en ook dat tienduizenden uren oefenen geen garantie is dat je ergens heel goed in zult worden. Bepalend is hĂłe je die uren besteedt, daarin schuilt het verschil tussen de toegewijde amateur en de grootmeester.
Waar hebben de grote namen op het gebied van muziek, sport, medische wetenschap hun succes aan te danken? Wat is het verschil tussen de jogger in het park en de atleet op Olympisch niveau? Is het aangeboren talent of kun je het leren?
This book translates 99 of the most important and influential studies on the topic of learning into accessible and easily digestible overviews. This edition delves into the world of research into what helps students learn with 22 new studies covering key issues including performing well under pressure.
Supporting teachers in the quest to help students learn as effectively and efficiently as possible, The Science of Learning translates 99 of the most important and influential studies on the topic of learning into accessible and easily digestible overviews. Building on the bestselling original book, this second edition delves deeper into the world of research into what helps students learn, with 22 new studies covering key issues including cognitive-load theory, well-being and performing well under exam pressure.
Demystifying key concepts and translating research into practical advice for the classroom, this unique resource will increase teachers’ understanding of crucial psychological research so they can help students improve how they think, feel and behave in school. From large- to small-scale studies, from the quirky to the iconic, the book breaks down complicated research to provide teachers with the need-to-know facts and implications of each study. Each overview combines graphics and text, asks key questions, describes related research and considers implications for practice. Highly accessible, each overview is attributed to one of seven key categories:
- Memory: increasing how much students remember
- Mindset, motivation and resilience: improving persistence, effort and attitude
- Self-regulation and metacognition: helping students to think clearly and consistently
- Student behaviours: encouraging positive student habits and processes
- Teacher attitudes, expectations and behaviours: adopting positive classroom practices
- Parents: how parents’ choices and behaviours impact their childrens’ learning
- Thinking biases: avoiding faulty thinking habits that get in the way of learning
A hugely accessible resource, this unique book will support, inspire and inform teaching staff, parents and students, and those involved in leadership and CPD.